Being Wonderful , being Beautiful + Quotes by Rohan 25Β 

Whenever you’re being thoughtful, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re honoring your emotions, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re lighting up the world, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re smiling at the skies, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re making your heart Happy, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re Honoring the inner Goddess’ Power, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re Glorifying the inner God’s Sensitivity, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re being kind, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re being Passionate, you’re being Wonderful.

Whenever you’re being Wonderful, you’re being Beautiful πŸ’–πŸ˜‡πŸ˜


Decoding Superstitions,my experience,my style.

Prologue : The following article has been written after the writer suffering from overwhelming anxiety problems due to dangerously obsessing over superstitions.Till the time he decided, it’s Payback time.

People get superstitious when they don’t understand the fact,the universal truth that everything is happening in perfect divine timing and order. They get superstitious when they let themselves believe that everything should be happening in the order and timing that their ego desires. 

When they are met with disappointment,they start playing the blame game on a whole different level , which consists of placing the blame on time, circumstances, a particular incident and even a projection of their unresolved  fears , in order to satisfy and protect their egos, falsely thinking that it’s a shield,unaware that it’s a glass which is bound to cut them deeper and deeper,everytime they go over it mentally,verbally or physically,again and again and again. 

What’s even worse is when the glass cuts them so deep that eventually the pain numbs that part of their consciousness and goes further into their subconscious,which causes habitual and compulsive self destructive thought patterns,beliefs and consequent actions.What harms us as a whole is the fact that it’s passed on to the future generations, under the illusion of it being a shield, when in fact it’s a terrible kind of glass whose pieces on being shared and practiced as rituals,act like seeds which cause even more harm and damage,piercing the ones who embody it deeper and deeper.This is how latent pain and chaos is transferred and this is how fears are inherited.

We think superstitions are a form of self protection, but when one gets obsessed with them,they can turn out to be the most nerve wrecking form of self destruction.

This cycle is broken by Really questioning whether a belief is based in love or fear and really rationalizing the hell out of those intrusive thoughts,thinking our way through and out of fear and chucking them out of our heads and belief systems,which breaks the patterns of self destructive thought, belief and actions. Eventually,belief systemson being worked upon correctly and thoroughly; collectively uplift the universal consciousness and leads to a master shift which comes forth as a collective evolution from fear based programming to liberation based in faith and love.

The process of weeding,is definitely painful,because it requires us to pull out that shard of glass which has cut one so deep that,in the process we start becoming more and more aware of our deeply embedded pains as we completely work upon extracting them. This process is extremely important for healthy and soulful living and truly ascending to the prime level of well being where our existence is pure bliss,which expands as we allow it and work upon it more and more and guide our fellow souls to navigate their human experiences peacefully and happily…

Remember and truly believe, Spirit is ALWAYS meant to enlighten us,

 uplift us and empower us in our thoughts,beliefs and actions,always leading us to eternal peace and bliss… πŸ™πŸ’–πŸ’ŽπŸ˜‡πŸ”±

Thank you 


My Sleeping Beauty Narrative

​Because I believe this Scene Deserves a Narrative, therefore I wrote one πŸ˜πŸ˜‡πŸ”±

Here goes;

“He saw the Beauty lying there,like a blooming rose wrapped in thorns.One glance and he knew that they were meant to be together…

He stood there awestruck,his eyes gleamed as he witnessed her radiance; he gasped and collected himself,as his eyes started to smile from his cheeks.

Wonder struck,he took one step at a time towards her,he didn’t want to waste anymore time but he knew this moment couldn’t be rushed.Even a mile run couldn’t compete with the way his heart was beating right now.

Upon reaching the bed,he leaned forward, oblivious to the fact that thorns could hurt him.For in that moment,all he could feel was a fleeting dream manifested right in front of him,which he intended to transcend to infinity.

He planted a Kiss on her,of pure passion and innocence, breaking her prolonged slumber.As destined as it could be by the heaven’s grace.

As the curse broke,she woke up to life,wide eyed, gasping for breath.She looked at him, surprised yet endearingly and both knew they had found their forever, their Happy Ever After …πŸ’–πŸ‘ΌπŸ˜‡πŸ˜πŸ’–”


P.s. For anyone wondering about the cutoff in the image,I didn’t wanna include maleficent πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜† hehe

Thoughts about Reflections…

Reflections are about looking back on your life,on your past,with the aim of understanding and bringing to light what you’ve learned from your experiences and with improved and increased mental power that you have now(well earned), interpreting it and drawing inferences in an objective, non judgemental,wise,self loving and self kind way.

Though they have their roots in the past,they are present and future oriented. Their purpose is to help us live better,happily,and move forward.As opposed to dwelling and wallowing over our pasts which keeps us stuck as they are pain and regret oriented, Reflections are meant to be used as fuel and are freedom and growth oriented.

Reflections are all about living more intelligently and awarely in the present and serve as well wrested positive guidance for moving forward in a happier,calmer and better way.They are meant to facilitate mindfulness and soulful living.

It’s really about juicing out your past and filtering it to remove nonsense and to keep the Awesome stuff to use in your life.That’s how you use imagery πŸ˜‚lol

Love πŸ’–


Please share further πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š thanks!

Simply Be

Have you ever wondered what you are going through because of the fact that you’re feeling so insecure ,stressed , anxious etc all the time ? What would happen if you simply be?

                              Simply Be

You overthink and cause a mess and then you get so upset; 
What would happen if you simply be ?

You see the stars at night at think , it's been a while at the brink; 
What would happen if you simply be ?

You scroll through other's highlight reel, we both know darling what you feel;
 What would happen if you simply be ?

You overcompensate for what is lacking , coz you follow the voice in your head 
that's clacking ;
 what would happen if you simply be ?

You high dive into frozen time , hurt yourself when you smash a mine ;
 What would happen if you simply be ?

You take clandestine peeks at thrills , sulk about the self made hills ;
 What would happen if you simply be ?

You try to do it all at once and burnout , piece by piece doesn't deserve
 such doubt ;
 What would happen if you simply be ?

You'll give yourself a chance to breathe , adorn yourself with comely wreathe ;
 That would happen if you Simply BE !
